Experienced Advice Regarding the Sealing of your Records
A criminal conviction can result in fines, incarceration and other serious penalties. However, even when an individual is not convicted of a crime, there are still severe consequences that can occur. When it comes to bank loans, employment opportunities or school applications, factors such as a police arrest, criminal indictment or any other hint of criminal activity can cause just as much damage to an individual’s reputation and opportunities as a conviction. Sealing your record can help avoid some of those problems.
Gregory D. Robinson, PC, provides record sealing representation to adults and juveniles in Colorado.
Are you Eligible to have your Records Sealed?
Not everyone is eligible to have their criminal record sealed. The criminal record of an adult is only eligible for sealing under the following conditions:
- Criminal charges were never pursued following the arrest
- Criminal charges were completely dropped (case dismissed)
- Criminal trial resulted in full acquittal (not guilty verdict) on all charges
Under recently passed laws, some additional crimes can be sealed after the passage of a certain amount of time even if a conviction occurred. There are also many circumstances in which the delinquency record of juveniles may be sealed. Our experience in juvenile law enables our firm to provide effective assistance sealing the criminal records of juveniles. Through the vigorous advocacy of the criminal lawyers at our firm, eligible clients are capable of returning to their normal lives without the burden of former criminal activity on public record.
#1 For Experience And Excellent Service
I Highly Recommend Mr. Gregory Robinson, And His Team Of Professionals, For Experience And Excellent Service.
~ Donald